The Spaccini Serafini family has always paid great attention to social issues and inner well-being and with these prerogatives Opensportvillage was born, a new and innovative sports village at the foot of the Orvieto cliff. A project that takes inspiration from a clever mix of Fosterian functionality, the linearity of Piano's forms and the sinuosity of the avenues and squares of Zaha Hadid, great architects with whom Stefano Spaccini (president Katia Serafini) has shared important projects in Italy and abroad. This ambitious project was born as a replicable format, capable of respecting local nature, synthesizing it with international elements as well as being completely self-sufficient in terms of energy.
The family is currently following the creation of a new project, unique in the Italian scenario: the PEAR, or the Polo delle Eccellenze Artigianali, which will follow the same logic as the Opensportvillage, combining the innovative elements typical of the large cities of northern Europe and international metropolises with the prerogatives of the Umbrian territory. PEAR will also pay great attention to the environment and will be self-sufficient in terms of energy.
Katia Serafini S.r.l. Via Acacie, 16 - 05018 Orvieto (TR) Italia VAT number 01445670555 Tax ID code 01445670555